
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

July’s farewell

A post shared by arthur_amerinz (@arthur_amerinz) on
Well, this was a month. There were good things that happened, and some that were not so good. Most things were actually pretty ordinary—and all sorts of examples were on this blog.

July was my most-blogged month this year, and the “extra” posts this month (including this one) wiped out the deficit from June, with three to spare. Sure, that didn’t exactly wipe out the deficit from the rest of the year, but that would be asking a lot of only one month.

This month was filled with all sorts of things that I post about, from the personal to the political, and other things, too. It’s nice to get back to ordinary blogging again.

The photo above shows part of the lunch my mother-in-law and I had today after my periodontist appointment. It turned out to be the highpoint of the day, not just because it was so much better a time than my appointment was, but mostly because we got to have lunch out, which is always fun.

But most of the photos I shared this month were of the furbabies, which isn’t a surprise, really. One I didn’t share was this one from yesterday:

That photo was just an ordinary thing, the sort of photo that tells a story, making it the sort of photo I like to share. There will be more next month, I’m sure.

But why not end the month with a good-news story? A seven-year-old girl got New Zealand’s roading agency to change sexist road signs:

And that’s it for this month—on to the new month tomorrow. I’m ready.

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