
Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Tomato data

Last week, I talked about my first disappointment of the year, the fact blossom end rot had returned to my tomato crop. I thought maybe I should show more clearly what I’m talking about.

The photo up top is of two tomatoes I picked Sunday. They’re not quite ripe, obviously, but if you turn them over (photo below), the rot is obvious.

The unaffected part of the tomato is perfectly safe (and normal), even if it doesn't look like it, but the tomato also isn’t completely ripe, so it’s not at its best. Because of that, I’m trying an experiment: Will they ripen up a bit more, or will the rot take the whole thing before then? I don’t know, but I want to find out.

I also picked a bunch of green tomatoes, ones that so far show no sign of rot, to see if they’ll ripen normally, or if the rot will appear. I can’t remember for sure, but I think that two years ago the green ones eventually ripened without rotting. Now I’ll know for sure.

These small experiments will help me make an informed decision over what I do (or don’t do) next year. Will I try again, or will I just give up entirely? This will help me decide what to do.

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