On today’s episode I tell you a bit about Auckland, New Zealand’s largest city, and where I’ve lived for most of my years in New Zealand. There’s a lot to like about Auckland. But what are the two things I don’t like about it?
Then it’s on to a little discussion of gout, because I had an attack this week, the first in nearly two years. I tell you what it is, what causes it and what it’s like to endure an attack.
A catch-up with comments allows me to expand on some things I’ve talked about recently. I even tell you a bit about what I’ll be up to this weekend
Leave a comment at amerinzpodcast.com, or ring my US listener line on (206) 339-8413. You can also email me at arthur{at]amerinz.com (or the old address at amerinz(at]yahoo.com).
Update 14 June 2008: Tonight I replaced the MP3 file on Podomatic, so if you subscribe through iTunes and got a corrputed episode, try deleting it and re-downloading (you may need to do this manually, as I described awhile back). It's also time to change your subscription to the new feed, http://feeds.feedburner.com/AmerinzPodcast.
Get AmeriNZ Podcast for free on iTunes
RUINED... Either my iPod is screwing up or you are trying timitate BF with the ruination around the 12 minute mark. The HORROR.
This was probably corrupted by Podomatic. THe version at the new site, amerinzpodcast.com shouldbe fine.
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