
Thursday, December 26, 2024

Boxing Day done right

Today is Boxing Day, so naturally my first thought this morning was that I needed to hurry and jump in the car and get in the miles-long queue of hundreds of cars waiting to get into The Base to shop the sales! Or, rather, that’s what I might say if I actually ever did that, and if I didn’t know that the Boxing Day sales are also available online.

As far as I can remember, I only did the crowded Boxing Day sales twice in my 29 years in New Zealand, and both were with Nigel because I certainly wouldn’t drive in that madness (I wrote about one of the two way back in 2009). These days, I’d just drive my computer if I want to shop the sales, especially if it’s something the shop might run out of, or else I might wait a couple days to avoid the madness (I’ve done both of those many times).

As it happens, I ended up shopping online today.

I wanted to buy some new blue jeans because the two pairs I have are starting to wear out on the top of my right knee—apparently I rest my left ankle there often enough to cause wear. Or, it could be the jeans aren’t made as well as they used to be because they lasted about three and a half years before wear was a problem. I always use old jeans as work clothes (like for mowing the lawn, painting, etc), so nothing goes to landfill until it’s utterly beyond use (even then I sometimes cut them up for rags first). Waste not, want not!

I also ordered a few things to replace other things that are broken or wearing out. All of those replacements have been deferred for quite awhile, making the Boxing Day Sale the perfect time to get them—and I didn’t have to brave the insanity at the mall to do it. And, of course, nothing will go to complete waste: All the stuff I’m replacing will either be donated, repurposed, or recycled.

The rest of the day was very quiet, which was nice after a busy couple days. I contemplated having a nap, but changed my mind.

There’s one more thing about Boxing Day this year, and it's sort of a Christmas Miracle: With this post, I’ve officially published more blog posts than I did in 2022, and that means that 2024 is no longer my worst-ever year for blogging productivity. I wasn’t at all certain that would be the case. So, yay for Boxing Day, I guess.

1 comment:

Roger Owen Green said...

There's Arthur, crankin' out those posts.