
Friday, May 21, 2010

American fascists

The teabaggers are fascists—there, I said it! The one thing that most centre-left analysts have been reluctant to say is the most obvious: The teabagger movement is entirely fascist, and we’re lying if we say otherwise.

Teabaggers (“libertarians”), claim to want “limited government,” but what they really want is absolutely no controls on corporations. Put another way, corporations should be able to do whatever they want, to whomever they want (which is why neo-fascist Rand Paul declared that businesses should be able to discriminate against anyone they want to; this is nothing new—it’s long-established libertarian philosophy).

And now the teabaggers want to repeal the 17th Amendment to the US Constitution. That amendment provides for the direct election of US Senators by the people. In the old days, they were selected by corrupt political bosses who did whatever big business told them to do. The 17th Amendment changed all that.

So, given the fact that most “tea party” groups are actually completely funded by corporate lobbying firms, and given that the teabagger movement is now arguing almost exclusively for things that will benefit corporations, it has become a fully fascist movement. And, unlike some VERY well-paid performers on the Fox “all the wingnut propaganda, all the time” channel, I actually know what fascism means and what it is.

Is it too late for America to stop them?

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