
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Cloudy days continue

The weather the past couple days has been mixed, with some sunshine and clouds in the daytime, and rain at night. There’s nothing unusual about that—it’s autumn, after all. Without working too hard, though, I could make it into a metaphor, because once again I’ve been in a period where things keep changing and my existential weather is unpredictable. Still, bad weather always clears.

I took the photo up top early this afternoon after I glanced out my front window and noticed how very dark the sky had become. I hadn’t checked the mail yet, so I decided to do it right then, just in case. Once I got outside, I could see the sky was partly cloudy toward the east-ish. The first heavy drops started falling when I got to the letterbox, and once I was back under cover, I stopped and took this photo of the two-toned sky, and even though I zoomed in to preserve neighbours’ privacy, you get the idea. The denuded tree at left was also in a photo I shared last month.

Once I was back inside, I resumed my chores as it got dark outside. Then, we got the heaviest rain we’ve had in my neighbourhood for a few weeks. Then sunlight tried to break through from the west shortly before thunder rumbled for a time in the northeast. Then it got quiet again. All of which is a metaphor for how things have been going for me lately.

I have, once again, had trouble doing blog posts and podcast episodes, even though on any given day I’d planned to do one or both. There’s nothing wrong, no crises or unforeseen challenges, just the sort of lack of focus and poor time-management that is sometimes worse than at other times. Things have simply been more unfocused than usual (and that underscores that my personal organisation system isn’t perfect).

Still, I’ve been doing quite a lot, the sorts of things I’d normally take about here and/or on my podcast. There have also been things in the news I wanted to comment on, but didn’t. I may yet talk about all that stuff, some of it definitely, even though the immediacy may have passed. Besides, what made me want to talk about those things was the topic, not the particular time. Still, I’ve been in this exact same spot many times before, and didn’t talk about everything I wanted to, so this time may be no different.

I’m completely aware of the fact that cloudy days pop up in everyone’s lives, and sometimes there can be rain and storms. Such weather always passes, though, and so it is with times like this for me. This too shall pass, and all that.

Today, the suddenly dark skies caught my attention, and I changed up what I was doing because of it. In fact, that even lead to this blog post, too. Maybe the weather is clearing.

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