
Monday, June 23, 2014

OK Go: The Writing's On the Wall

I saw this video a few days ago when it was first released, but didn’t get around to sharing it. But tonight my Twitter pal @_surelymermaid said, “OK Go's new single sounds just like New Order released it in 1988,” and she’s right.

The fact is, I loved New Order, and I love this video. There may be a coincidence in that. I’ve loved OK Go's videos for different reasons (even though I often like their songs): The elaborate choreography and visuals make their videos far more interesting than most music videos. This 3-D journey through optical illusions and making life lift through painting is fascinating.

At any rate, I like this song and this video. Considering how much other stuff I have going on right now, that’s a good enough reason to post this. Considering how not pleasant some of that stuff has been, this video is necessary.

And, anyway, I just like it.

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