
Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Nine years later

Today is again the anniversary of our civil union. It was the ceremony we held as we became legally joined in the only way available to us back in 2009. Of course, we were married in 2013, and this particular anniversary sort of fell by the wayside. Still, it was important then, so it’s worth remembering now.

The day of our civil union was very hot. This year, the weather’s been hot, too—though not quite as hot as that one particular day. That’s a good thing, but I couldn’t help but notice the coincidence.

Everything we do in life is connected to everything else, one way or another, and our civil union was the ceremony, our later marriage the finalisation of what happened nine years ago today. And that’s why I remember it every year.

Happy anniversary to us!

This now concludes the 2017-18 “Season of Anniversaries”. The blog now resumes normal, if eratic, content provision.


2009: Perfect Day – where it began
2010: One and Fifteen
2011: Second Anniversary, squared
2012: Three years ago today
2013: Fourth Anniversary
2014: An anniversary
2015: Anniversaries
2016: A seventh Anniversary
2017: Eight years later

1 comment:

rogerogreen said...

you is a party animal!